Raising countless chicks every season, we often find that the ones who steal our hearts and catch our attention from a young age often turn …

It all begins with happy chooks
In this category, you’ll find information about the distinctive characteristics of different chicken breeds, along with some genetic insights relevant to breeding practices. Additionally, it explores chicken behavior, offering solutions for common issues and ways to optimize their welfare and productivity.
Raising countless chicks every season, we often find that the ones who steal our hearts and catch our attention from a young age often turn …
Tale of a Porcelain Pekin Boy Everything seemed ordinary when this chick hatched. His initial feathers grew in seamlessly, indistinguishable from others, until he reached …
Q. What is a “Frizzle” Chicken?A. Frizzle chickens can be classified into two distinct categories:The first category encompasses a specific breed known as the “Frizzle,” …
A broody hen is a hen that exhibits behavior characterized by a strong desire to sit on and hatch eggs. When a hen becomes broody, …
Are our birds “Show Quality”? Short Version:No, our birds are not considered show quality. Long version :While many of our birds are hatched from fertile …
Common Feeder & Feeding Problem. “My chickens tend to scatter a lot of food around their feeders.” This behavior often occurs when they’re fed a …
Introducing new chickens to an existing flock requires careful planning and management to minimize stress and potential conflicts. Here are a few tips we’d like …
Heritage chickens have laying season. Heritage chickens have a laying season that corresponds with the natural rhythms of daylight and temperature changes. However, the exact …
Commercial breed chickens and heritage breed chickens exhibit significant differences across various aspects, reflecting their distinct breeding histories, characteristics, and purposes. Commercial breed chickens are …
Definition : In poultry breeding, a genetic throwback refers to the appearance of traits from previous generations that had seemingly been bred out of the …