Dayold & Chicks

Cutest fluffy time wasters!

Perfect for starting your own backyard poultry adventure or adding to your existing flock. Our chicks promise endless entertainment and companionship. Choose from a variety of breeds, each with its own unique personality and characteristics.

Dayold Waiting List for season 2024/25 available. Read more details.

– Day-old to 10 days old chicks: Perfect for nurturing under a broody hen. Read more details.
– Chicks will require a brooder setup with a heat source until they are fully feathered. Read more details.
– Our birds required “Medication FREE” feed as they are vaccinated for Coccidiosis. Available here.

Dayold Pre-order & Just Hatched

Unsexed & Auto-Sexed

If you have already submitted “Dayold Waiting List” – No need to order here. We will be in touch via email once we have all your chicks ready.

Chicks 2-6 weeks

Un-sexed & Auto-Sexed

To be updated in Spring 2024